
There are several prototypes that have been used to demonstrate aspects of the InContext vision. These have been used in design workshops and will continue to be developed in response to outcomes of the workshops.


This allows sketches, or wireframes of device screens to be viewed alongside, and embedded within, sketches of the wider context. The tool can be used at various stages of fidelity from rough sketches, to more detailed designs.

Read more about ScenarioViewer.

Try it out for yourself.

This uses short video clips linked by a simple model to demonstrate non-screen based physical devices when not physically able to experiment with a prototype of the device. This can be used for remote demonstration and also for envisionments of devices that re not fully realised – that is, lo fi physical prototyping.


Read more about PhysProto.

Try it out for yourself.


This is a fairly standard medium-fidelity wireframing tool, but augmented with elements, such as people and furniture, to allow the same tool to be used to sketch out contexts of use for those who are not comfortable sketching with pencil and paper.

Try out Buider.v[0] for yourself.