Alan's videos and related resources

Overview of resources

I'm collating various videos and other materials I've produced over the years to make it easier for those wanting to make use of them during the Covid-19 pandemic when many universities and students are turning to online materials. Over the coming months I will try to update this material and add to it. If there are particular areas you'd like me to prioritise, perhaps chapters of the HCI book you find hard to teach, etc., please let me know.

During this period I'll be adding more resources, let me know if there is anything I have written about in books or papers that you'd like me to create vdieos or support materials for. I wont promise to do everything, but I'll try to prioritise thinsg that I know are wanted.

As well as new material, I also hope to create some tools to make it easier to embed fragments of these videos in your own teaching resources – watch this space!

Various videos that have either been created especially or recordings of talks.